In today's world there often seems to be no pattern to many of the changes taking place. Taking a resonable approach, studying precedents, and long-range planning are difficult, and may even seem useless when the only consistent trend is totally unpredictable change!
How should a Christian react to the chaos of constant change? We can certainly begin by thanking God that even when everything around us seems to be in a state of constant change, He is the unchanging God. This is celebrated in the cherished hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" whose words were inspired by the following scripture:
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 5:22-23)
Take some time to praise God today that even though He is always doing something new in our lives, His nature and character never change. Now there's a non-change you can believe in!
Daily Prayer Focus
August 29 - Pastor's Families
August 30 - Sunday School Teachers
August 31 - CASA/DFACS
September 1 - Prayer Ministry Team
September 2 - "Club 56" Program
September 3 - Judicial System
September 4 - Missions to Asia
September 5 - Unity in Churches
Prayer Requests
By Marian Monk