When the difficulties and stress of life are overwhelming you, how do you cope?
Sometimes we want to pull the covers over our heads and ignore the problems. Sometimes we turn to our friends, relatives, and other counselors for advice. Sometimes we snap and snarl at the very people who are trying to help us.
Throughout the Psalms, we are given examples and encouragement to seek God’s help first, and to take comfort in his abiding presence. In Psalm 91 we read, “This I declare of the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him.” (Psalm 91:2, NLT)
Take some time this week to read and meditate on all of Psalm 91. Then pray and claim God’s presence as your place of refuge. There’s no better place to run.
Daily Prayer Focus
July 26 - Worship Leaders
July 27 - College Students
July 28 - Education Ministry Team
July 29 - Shoebox Ministry
July 30 - Educators
July 31 - Missions to Asia
Aug 1 - Pastor's Families
Prayer Requests
- A Sister in Christ - Lora
By Marian Monk
Please pray for my sister in christ Lora to sell her two homes. The last year has been really hard and they need a buyer soon. Please pray for God's will and a home with God's blessings of peace,mercy and grace.