Friday, September 25, 2009

Bubble Up

Anne Cetas in Our Daily Bread tells a story about a man who was stuck in a long line at the US-Canada border. Determined to lighten the mood, he reached for some bottles of bubble-making solution he had in his car, and began to blow bubbles. He handed out bottles to some other drivers, and “soon there were bubbles everywhere…It’s amazing what bubbles do for people.” The line didn’t move any faster, but suddenly everyone was happy.

Paul encouraged early Christians in their trials: “Do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18)

Make a commitment to pray each day, looking at the loving, forgiving, just and faithful character of God. This change in focus will change your attitude despite the circumstances you are facing. You may just begin to “bubble” with enthusiasm and hope.

Daily Prayer Focus
Sept. 26 - FUMC Church Staff
Sept. 27 - Unchurched People
Sept. 28 - Strong Marriages
Sept. 29 - U.M. Men
Sept. 30 - Club 56

Oct. 1 - Eductors
Oct. 2 - North American Missions
Oct. 3 - Worship Leaders

Prayer Requests
- Women's Prayer, Praise, & Worship, Friday September 25
- Family in Carrolton whose twin boys died in freak accident
- Victims of domestic abuse
- Pastor's back surgery
- A youth in need

- Pearson Martin - Good report
- People stepping up and out to serve God

By Marian Monk

Friday, September 18, 2009

Embrace the Chaos

How can Christians respond to a world that is changing so quickly and in so many different areas—political, economic, technological, and social? Suggestions already given have been: to take comfort in God’s unchanging nature, keep a positive attitude, and learn from the change.

Here’s one final suggestion based on a biblical principle—when faced with change, stay flexible! Don’t just tolerate the chaos, embrace it. Pastor Rick Warren gives this example. “Before glass bottles were invented, wine was kept in canteens made of animal skins. As they aged, they would become brittle and crack from new wine that was still fermenting.

Jesus once said, “You can’t put new wine in old wineskins.” (Luke 5:37-39) Here was his point: When faced with change, we must adjust or we’ll explode! Pray, “Dear God, help me be more flexible this week.”

Daily Prayer Focus

Sept. 19 - Pastors
Sept. 20 - Sunday School Teachers
Sept. 21 - Samaritan Center
Sept. 22 - Worship Ministry Team

Sept. 23 - Shoebox Ministry
Sept. 24 - Public Safety Officers
Sept. 25 - Women’s Event
Sept. 26 - FUMC Church Staff

Prayer Requests
- Women's Prayer, Praise & Worship - 9/25
- Harry Heaton
- Joe Himes
- Churches in transition
- People in transition

- People responding to God's call to serve and to lead
- A pastor realizing the needed emphasis on prayer
- A new believer
- New bible study groups

By Marian Monk

Friday, September 11, 2009

Learn from Chaos

How can Christians survive and even thrive in a rapidly changing world? Some earlier suggestions have been: to take comfort in the unchanging nature of God, and to keep a Godly attitude in spite of change. Another suggestion from the Bible is to never stop learning. “The intelligent man is always open to new ideas. In fact, he looks for them.” (Proverbs 18:15, LB)

Use the changing circumstances to open your eyes to new information, new methods, and even new sources of wisdom. Never think you know it all. Stay humble, and you’ll be surprised who you can learn from—friends, neighbors, competitors, even your own children!

Ask God to open your eyes and your heart to how He may be using the changes for your good and His glory.

Daily Prayer Focus
Sept. 12 - Men’s Retreat
Sept. 13 - Special Speaker
Sept. 14 - Homeless People
Sept. 15 - Trustees Min. Team

Sept. 16 - Youth Cell Groups
Sept. 17 - Local Government
Sept. 18 - Missions to S. America
Sept. 19 - Pastors

Prayer Requests
- Harry Heaton
- Joe Himes

- Men's Weekend - 9/12 & 9/13
- Women's Prayer, Praise & Worship - 9/25
- Churches in transition
- People in transition

- People responding to God's call to serve and to lead
- A pastor realizing the needed emphasis on prayer
- A new believer
- Many bible study groups springing up

By Marian Monk

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thriving on Chaos

About the only prediction we can safely assume concerning the world today is that things will change. As Christians we can take comfort in the unchanging nature of God, who is our rock. But, how do we stand on the shifting sands of circumstances?

Business writer, Tom Peters, says in order to “Thrive on Chaos”, you must do more than cope with change, you must capitalize on it! See every change as an opportunity in disguise, and take advantage of it.

What does the Bible say? One of the most repeated admonishments in scripture is “Fear Not!” We are not to fear change, because that demonstrates a lack of faith in the sovereignty of God. We should never allow our attitudes or our actions to be based on fear, but rather let God use the change to keep us focused on Him.

The best change we can make is often a changed attitude. “Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better.” (Ephesians 4:23 LB) Pray for God to increase your faith, and diminish your fear. With His help, you will be able to “Thrive on Chaos”.

Daily Prayer Focus

Sept. 5 - Unity in Churches
Sept. 6 - Worship Leaders
Sept. 7 - Angel Food Ministries
Sept. 8 - Evangelism Ministry Team

Sept. 9 - Family Night Programs
Sept. 10 - State Government
Sept. 11 - Missions to Europe
Sept.12 - Men’s Retreat

Prayer Requests

  • Those fighting the flu
  • Bill Jones
  • Pearson Martin & Family
  • Davis Wallace & Family
  • Responding to God's Call
  • Men's Spiritual Weekend - 9/12-13
  • Community Women's Event - 9/25

By Marian Monk