Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Shepherd's Example of Witnessing

During this season of Advent, we have been looking at the lives of the main characters in the Christmas story in order to learn from the examples they set for us. In Mary, we saw a wonderful example of trust. Joseph’s life was an extraordinary example of obedience.

What can we learn from the shepherds? A host of angels appeared to these simple sheep herders, announcing the birth of God’s Son and telling them to go to Bethlehem. The shepherd’s exhibited both trust and obedience because they went to Bethlehem and indeed did find Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. The shepherds also exhibited a striking example of witnessing for God.

In Luke 2:17 we read, When they had seen Him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed.” The shepherds didn’t waste any time sharing God’s message of hope with others.

How often do we worry about finding the right words, or possessing enough biblical knowledge before we feel “Qualified” to share God’s good news? Pray and ask God for opportunities to share your faith with others. Then follow the shepherd’s example of witnessing.

Prayer Focus:

Christian Fellowship



Thursday, December 10, 2009

Joseph's Example of Obedience

This Advent season, take some time to read the events surrounding Jesus’ birth in the first two chapters of Matthew as well as in Luke. One of the most notable characteristics of Joseph’s behavior is his obedience to God. When an angel appeared to Mary, she displayed great trust in God’s plan. Over the course of Jesus’ birth and earliest years, Joseph received three angelic visitations. All three of these “angel-grams” required Joseph to take actions that were quite extraordinary.

Joseph’s faith was not a passive mental agreement, but rather an active and immediate obedience to God’s message. In each case, Joseph “did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him…” (Matthew 1:24). No doubt, Joseph had been praying about his engagement to Mary. Perhaps he had even been asking for God’s direction.

How often do we pray and ask for the Lord to lead us? How often do we respond to God’s leading in the way that Joseph did—by actions of prompt obedience to what God is asking us to do?

Spend time this season in prayer. Then be prepared to follow Joseph’s example of obedience.

Prayer Focus:
Letting the Christmas story speak to our hearts

People who are grieving for loved ones
Soldiers overseas during Christmas
End of semester exams - students & teachers

Young people who are following Christ
A pastor stepping out in faith to follow God's call

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mary's Example of Trust

As we journey through the Advent season, it is a fitting time to examine the attitudes and actions of the main characters in the Christmas story.

Let’s begin with Mary, a soon-to-be-married young woman. She is visited by an angel who tells her God is pleased with her—so pleased in fact that He has chosen her to give birth to His own Son. To say Mary was taken by surprise would no doubt be an understatement! She could easily have rebelled or grudgingly seen this as some type of punishment. She could have said, “No way, I have other plans for my life!” But, she did none of those. I

Instead, she asked for some details and then responded with “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38) A short time later, we find her praising the Lord in the beautiful words of the “Magnificat”.

Does this Christmas season find you facing unplanned circumstances? Follow Mary’s example of trust in God. Look for His plan instead of your own. Praise Him for giving you a new life within and pray for that new life to grow within you each day.

Prayer Focus
  • Churches to reach out during Christmas season



Friday, November 20, 2009

Get Thankful

Throughout my growing up years, my mother had an expression she used whenever my sister or I would be unhappy and display a negative attitude. She would say “Get happy!” It was understood by her tone and mannerism, that you had better quickly display a more positive outlook or you would be provided with adequate justification for sadness—you get the picture.

Everyone has difficulties, and conflicts, but as Christians, we have abundant reasons to be thankful every day. If you find yourself dwelling on how life is not going your way, and people are not behaving as you think they should—check your own attitude first.

In Psalm 51, David lays out a pattern for steps to thankfulness: (1) v. 10 – “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me.” (2) v. 12 – “Restore to me again the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.” (3) v. 15 – “Unseal my lips, O Lord, that I may praise you.”

Spend some time in prayer this week, repenting, renewing, restoring joy, being obedient, and ultimately praising God. Let this Thanksgiving Day be a time to get happy and thankful!

Daily Prayer Focus
Nov. 21 - Worship Leaders
Nov. 22 - Community Thanksgiving
Nov. 23 - Shut-Ins
Nov. 24 - Trustees Ministry Team

Nov. 25 - Shoebox Ministry
Nov. 26 - Be Thankful!
Nov. 27 - Missions to Asia
Nov. 28 - FUMC Church Staff



Monday, November 16, 2009

A Thanksgiving Tradition

In America we set aside the fourth Thursday in November to remember the gratitude of the early settlers to God for His protection and guidance in their new homeland.

Their hearts were thankful because of the rough conditions they had been through leading up to the harvest that year. They wanted to thank God and give Him glory in front of their children and all people who were observing their actions.

In these uncertain economic times, it is important for Christian families to maintain an attitude of thanksgiving for the Lord’s past provision, as well as an outlook of hopeful expectancy in His coming kingdom.

Doing this will glorify God and pass on a tradition of real “Thanksgiving” that will impact future generations.

“But you, O Lord, will rule forever. Your fame will endure to every generation. Let this be recorded for future generations, so that a nation yet to be created will praise the Lord.” (Psalm 102:12-18, NLT)

Daily Prayer Focus
Nov. 14 - Pastor’s Families
Nov. 15 - Unchurched People
Nov. 16 - Habitat for Humanity
Nov. 17 - Prayer Ministry Team

Nov. 18 - Youth Cell Groups
Nov. 19 - Public Safety Officers
Nov. 20 - Missions to Africa
Nov. 21 - Worship Leaders

A better attitude


Friday, November 6, 2009

Is Anybody LIstening?

"I love the Lord because He hears and answers my prayers. Because He bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!" (Psalm 116:1-2, NLT)

The psalmist was eager to pray and approached God with enthusiasm because he was confident that God was not only stooping down to listen, but also that God was intensely interested in what he was saying. How many times do you feel like nobody is interested enough to really listen to what you have to say? How often do you feel your concerns are glossed over, trivialized, or ignored by those to whom you try to express them?

One of our greatest needs is to be known and understood by someone who we value. What a blessing for Christians to have that need met by the One who will not only listen, but who understands and loves you so deeply.

Your Heavenly Father is waiting to bend down and listen to you today. Spend time with Him in prayer.

Daily Prayer Focus
Nov. 7 - Worship Leaders
Nov. 8 - Sunday School teachers
Nov. 9 - Chronically Ill
Nov. 10 - Staff-Parish Team
Nov. 11 - Family Night Programs
Nov. 12 - Local Government
Nov. 13 - World Missions
Nov. 14 - Pastor's Families

Courtney Singletary & Family
Bryan & Brittany Browning - mother died
Pauline Cooper family

Answered Prayers

Friday, October 30, 2009

Not Why, But Who?

In her book, Sitting by My Laughing Fire, Ruth Bell Graham wrote this poem:

I lay my whys before Your cross
In worship kneeling,
My mind too numb for thought,
My heart beyond all feeling.
And worshiping, realize that I
In knowing You
Don't need a "why."

Mrs. Graham realized that all of her "why" questions were answered by the knowledge of "who" God is - the great I Am.

David answered his own "why" question this way, "The Lord is my light and my salvation - so why should I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1)

Daily Prayer Focus

Oct 31 - FUMC Church Staff
Nov 1 - All Saints Day
Nov 2 - Children's Home - Macon
Nov 3 - Lay Leadership Team
Nov 4 - Shoebox Ministry
Nov 5 - State Government
Nov 6 - South Am. Missions
Nov 7 - Worship Leaders

Courtney Singletary & Family
Bryan & Brittany Browning - mother died

Answered Prayers

Friday, October 23, 2009

Why Ask Why?

"Why am I discouraged? Why so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God.” (Psalm 42:5,11; 43:5, NLT)

The psalmist asks this question three times in the span of the 16 combined verses of Psalm 42 and 43. Obviously, he was wrestling with feelings of discouragement and sadness. He could have let those feelings spiral downward and turn into depression, resentment, or even anger. But, he chooses to look upward and focus his hopes on God, praising Him for being his Savior.

Are you discouraged or sad today? Make a choice to look up and place your hope in God. Meditate upon His goodness and His grace. Praise Him by repeating scriptures like this one out loud and in your heart.

You may soon find yourself asking, “Why was I so discouraged, when I belong to such a wonderful God?”

Daily Prayer Focus

Oct. 24 - Contemporary Service
Oct. 25 - Pastors
Oct. 26 - Bereaved Families
Oct. 27 - Finance Ministry Team
Oct. 28 - Club 56
Oct. 29 - Judicial System
Oct. 30 - N. American Missions
Oct. 31 - FUMC Church Staff

Tommy Killough
Emma Gaines
Brandon Hacker
Jeff Powell & Family
Mark Harrell's grandmother

Women's walk to Emmaus weekend
The power of prayer

Friday, October 16, 2009

Spurgeon's Passion for Prayer

In his devotional book, Morning and Evening, Charles Spurgeon shared these meditations regarding prayer.

"While prayer is an application to divine wealth, it is also a confession of human emptiness. The healthiest state of a Christian is always to be empty of self and constantly depending upon the Lord for provision; to be consistently poor in self and rich in Jesus; to be weak as water personally, but mighty through God to do great exploits.

"This is where prayer comes in, because while it adores God, it puts the creature where it should be -- in the dust...Prayer equips human weakness with divine strength, turns human folly into heavenly wisdom, and gives the peace of God to troubled souls. We do not know what prayer cannot do!...Help us to use it properly throughout this day!"

From those words, you catch Spurgeon's passionate belief in the power of prayer. May each of us pursue God's presence through prayer with a similar passion.

Daily Prayer Focus

Oct. 17 - Pastor's Families
Oct. 18 - Worship Leaders
Oct. 19 - Boy Scouts
Oct. 20 - Mission Ministry Team
Oct. 21 - Youth Cell Groups
Oct. 22 - Congress
Oct. 23 - Missions to Europe
Oct. 24 - Contemporary Service


Women on Walk to Emmaus this weekend
Senior Adult trip to Lake Junaluska
"For God's Glory" women's group
Judy Jeffords recovery from back surgery


God's grace is sufficient

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Prayer Poem

I don't know how it works.
A nobody like me,
talks to a God I can't see,
about problems I can't solve,
and receives peace that no one can understand.
I don't know how it works.
I just enjoy the peace.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7, NIV)

Daily Prayer Focus:

Oct. 10 - Sunday School Teacher
Oct. 11 - Special Speakers
Oct. 12 - Friendship House
Oct. 13 - Education Ministry Team
Oct. 14 - Family Night Programs
Oct. 15 - President of U.S.
Oct. 16 - Missions to Asia
Oct. 17 - Pastor's Families

Prayer Requests

  • Walk to Emmaus - This weekend (Men), Next weekend (Women)
  • Auto accident victim, and all involved
  • Safety over Fall Break
  • Family whose todler died in accident


  • God's Peace
  • God's help in working through anger

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Relaxing Grace

“As a father is kind to his children, so the Lord is kind to those who honor Him. He knows what we are made of; He remembers that we are dust.” (Psalm 103:13-14, GN)

As a parent, you love your children at every stage of their development. You don’t wait until they can walk, read, or ride a bicycle before you love them. If you are a child of God, He loves you at every stage of your development, too. His love is unconditional. It’s not based on what you do or don’t do.

You can receive and relax in God’s love. If you have accepted Christ’s sacrifice on the cross as your salvation, when God looks at you, He doesn’t see your failures or shortcomings. He sees Jesus, His one and only perfect Son.

God loves you right now, just as you are, and He will patiently guide you to become all that He intends for you to be. Praise God today for His amazing…and relaxing grace.

Daily Prayer Focus

Oct. 3 - Worship Leaders
Oct. 4 - Unity in Christ
Oct. 5 - Lifeline Ministries
Oct. 6 - U.M. Women
Oct. 7 - Shoebox Ministries
Oct. 8 - Military/Soldiers
Oct. 9 - Missions to Africa
Oct. 10 - Sunday School Teachers

Prayer Requests

- Youth making college decisions
- Godly wisdom in all decisions


- God's provision for all needs

By Marian Monk

Friday, September 25, 2009

Bubble Up

Anne Cetas in Our Daily Bread tells a story about a man who was stuck in a long line at the US-Canada border. Determined to lighten the mood, he reached for some bottles of bubble-making solution he had in his car, and began to blow bubbles. He handed out bottles to some other drivers, and “soon there were bubbles everywhere…It’s amazing what bubbles do for people.” The line didn’t move any faster, but suddenly everyone was happy.

Paul encouraged early Christians in their trials: “Do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18)

Make a commitment to pray each day, looking at the loving, forgiving, just and faithful character of God. This change in focus will change your attitude despite the circumstances you are facing. You may just begin to “bubble” with enthusiasm and hope.

Daily Prayer Focus
Sept. 26 - FUMC Church Staff
Sept. 27 - Unchurched People
Sept. 28 - Strong Marriages
Sept. 29 - U.M. Men
Sept. 30 - Club 56

Oct. 1 - Eductors
Oct. 2 - North American Missions
Oct. 3 - Worship Leaders

Prayer Requests
- Women's Prayer, Praise, & Worship, Friday September 25
- Family in Carrolton whose twin boys died in freak accident
- Victims of domestic abuse
- Pastor's back surgery
- A youth in need

- Pearson Martin - Good report
- People stepping up and out to serve God

By Marian Monk

Friday, September 18, 2009

Embrace the Chaos

How can Christians respond to a world that is changing so quickly and in so many different areas—political, economic, technological, and social? Suggestions already given have been: to take comfort in God’s unchanging nature, keep a positive attitude, and learn from the change.

Here’s one final suggestion based on a biblical principle—when faced with change, stay flexible! Don’t just tolerate the chaos, embrace it. Pastor Rick Warren gives this example. “Before glass bottles were invented, wine was kept in canteens made of animal skins. As they aged, they would become brittle and crack from new wine that was still fermenting.

Jesus once said, “You can’t put new wine in old wineskins.” (Luke 5:37-39) Here was his point: When faced with change, we must adjust or we’ll explode! Pray, “Dear God, help me be more flexible this week.”

Daily Prayer Focus

Sept. 19 - Pastors
Sept. 20 - Sunday School Teachers
Sept. 21 - Samaritan Center
Sept. 22 - Worship Ministry Team

Sept. 23 - Shoebox Ministry
Sept. 24 - Public Safety Officers
Sept. 25 - Women’s Event
Sept. 26 - FUMC Church Staff

Prayer Requests
- Women's Prayer, Praise & Worship - 9/25
- Harry Heaton
- Joe Himes
- Churches in transition
- People in transition

- People responding to God's call to serve and to lead
- A pastor realizing the needed emphasis on prayer
- A new believer
- New bible study groups

By Marian Monk

Friday, September 11, 2009

Learn from Chaos

How can Christians survive and even thrive in a rapidly changing world? Some earlier suggestions have been: to take comfort in the unchanging nature of God, and to keep a Godly attitude in spite of change. Another suggestion from the Bible is to never stop learning. “The intelligent man is always open to new ideas. In fact, he looks for them.” (Proverbs 18:15, LB)

Use the changing circumstances to open your eyes to new information, new methods, and even new sources of wisdom. Never think you know it all. Stay humble, and you’ll be surprised who you can learn from—friends, neighbors, competitors, even your own children!

Ask God to open your eyes and your heart to how He may be using the changes for your good and His glory.

Daily Prayer Focus
Sept. 12 - Men’s Retreat
Sept. 13 - Special Speaker
Sept. 14 - Homeless People
Sept. 15 - Trustees Min. Team

Sept. 16 - Youth Cell Groups
Sept. 17 - Local Government
Sept. 18 - Missions to S. America
Sept. 19 - Pastors

Prayer Requests
- Harry Heaton
- Joe Himes

- Men's Weekend - 9/12 & 9/13
- Women's Prayer, Praise & Worship - 9/25
- Churches in transition
- People in transition

- People responding to God's call to serve and to lead
- A pastor realizing the needed emphasis on prayer
- A new believer
- Many bible study groups springing up

By Marian Monk

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thriving on Chaos

About the only prediction we can safely assume concerning the world today is that things will change. As Christians we can take comfort in the unchanging nature of God, who is our rock. But, how do we stand on the shifting sands of circumstances?

Business writer, Tom Peters, says in order to “Thrive on Chaos”, you must do more than cope with change, you must capitalize on it! See every change as an opportunity in disguise, and take advantage of it.

What does the Bible say? One of the most repeated admonishments in scripture is “Fear Not!” We are not to fear change, because that demonstrates a lack of faith in the sovereignty of God. We should never allow our attitudes or our actions to be based on fear, but rather let God use the change to keep us focused on Him.

The best change we can make is often a changed attitude. “Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better.” (Ephesians 4:23 LB) Pray for God to increase your faith, and diminish your fear. With His help, you will be able to “Thrive on Chaos”.

Daily Prayer Focus

Sept. 5 - Unity in Churches
Sept. 6 - Worship Leaders
Sept. 7 - Angel Food Ministries
Sept. 8 - Evangelism Ministry Team

Sept. 9 - Family Night Programs
Sept. 10 - State Government
Sept. 11 - Missions to Europe
Sept.12 - Men’s Retreat

Prayer Requests

  • Those fighting the flu
  • Bill Jones
  • Pearson Martin & Family
  • Davis Wallace & Family
  • Responding to God's Call
  • Men's Spiritual Weekend - 9/12-13
  • Community Women's Event - 9/25

By Marian Monk

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Non-Change You Can Believe In

In today's world there often seems to be no pattern to many of the changes taking place. Taking a resonable approach, studying precedents, and long-range planning are difficult, and may even seem useless when the only consistent trend is totally unpredictable change!

How should a Christian react to the chaos of constant change? We can certainly begin by thanking God that even when everything around us seems to be in a state of constant change, He is the unchanging God. This is celebrated in the cherished hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" whose words were inspired by the following scripture:

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 5:22-23)

Take some time to praise God today that even though He is always doing something new in our lives, His nature and character never change. Now there's a non-change you can believe in!

Daily Prayer Focus

August 29 - Pastor's Families
August 30 - Sunday School Teachers
August 31 - CASA/DFACS
September 1 - Prayer Ministry Team
September 2 - "Club 56" Program
September 3 - Judicial System
September 4 - Missions to Asia
September 5 - Unity in Churches

Prayer Requests

By Marian Monk

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Accepting Your Assignment

The first days of school are soon followed by the first class assignments. In order to learn, students have to do more than just attend; they are expected to read, write papers, solve problems, complete projects, answer questions, and take tests.

As Christians and members of the body of Christ, God expects more of us than merely waking up each day or showing up at church. Each one of us was created to serve God. The Bible says, All of you are Christ’s body and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27, NLT) Each of us has a role to play and every role is important.

Today thousands of local churches are suffering because of Christians who are unwilling to serve. Paul wrote to the early church, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
(Ephesians 2:10, NIV)

Will you accept your assignment? Take some time today to pray and ask God to show you how He is calling you to serve Him.

Daily Prayer Focus
Aug. 22 - FUMC Church Staff
Aug. 23 - Fellowship Dinner
Aug. 24 - Gideon Bible Society
Aug. 25 – Staff-Parish Team
Aug. 26 - Shoebox Ministry
Aug. 27 - Congress
Aug. 28 - Missions to Africa
Aug. 29 – Pastor’s Families

Prayer Requests
  • More job losses
  • Recent college grads. looking for jobs
  • A family in crisis
  • Christians to respond to God's call to serve
  • Racial barriers to Christian ministry

By Marian Monk

Friday, August 14, 2009

Global Destiny, Individual Choice

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10a

Perhaps you are already familiar with this verse from Psalms that encourages us to allow for times of quietness and reflection in order to seek God and be able to hear His voice. God wants us to know Him, and even tells us that stillness is part of the pathway to know that knowledge. However, He leaves the choice of following that path up to us.

In contrast, the latter part of that same verse is as follows: "I will be exalted in the nations. I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10b) The same God who gives us the freedom to choose whether we will know and worship Him individually, emphatically states that the destiny of all creation and nations will be to exalt Him.

Will you choose to spend some time in stillness today becoming better acquainted with the Lord of heaven and earth before whom every knee will one day bow?

Daily Prayer Focus

August 15 - Pastors
August 16 - Unchurched People
August 17 - Caregivers
August 18 - Lay Leadership in Churches
August 19 - Outreach to Families
August 20 - President of the U.S.
August 21 - North American Missions
August 22 - Church Staff Members

Prayer Requests

By Marian Monk

Friday, August 7, 2009

School Supplies

It’s that time of year when the store shelves are stocked with crayons, pencils, markers, paper, and all the other necessary school supplies. As parents, we want to make sure our children and youth have everything they need to be ready for their first days back in the classroom.

One of the best ways to make sure your children survive and thrive in school is to pray for them every day. As you send them off, lift them up to the Heavenly Father, who will go with them throughout their day. He will make sure that they have all the “school supplies” they need by caring for them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

“For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule generation after generation.” (Psalm 145:13, NLT)

Daily Prayer Focus

Aug. 8 - Unity in Churches
Aug. 9 - Worship Leaders
Aug.10 - Healthcare Workers
Aug.11 - Evangelism Min. Team

Aug. 12 - Youth Cell Groups
Aug. 13 - Military/Soldiers
Aug. 14 - South American Missions
Aug. 15 - Pastors

Prayer Requests

  • A Friend in Christ - Lora
  • Davis Wallace & Family
  • New School Year - safety, wisdom, & peace for teachers & students
  • Pearson Martin, Derek & Shana
  • Friendship House Fundraiser - 8/27
  • Men's Spiritual Enrichment Weekend - 9/12-9/13
  • People searching for jobs & others affected by the economy
  • Community Women's Event - 9/25
  • Our government and community leaders - to seek God, wisdom, integrity
  • Support group starting for infertility/pregnancy and loss
  • Celebrate Recovery groups

By Marian Monk

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The End Justifies the Means

“After you have suffered a little while, The God of all grace…will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” (1 Peter 5:10)

In his words above, the apostle Peter points us to suffering as the means used by God to strengthen and establish our faith. Notice that the blessings of restoration, confirmation, and strength are received “after you have suffered a little while”.

Charles Spurgeon wrote, “It is of no use to hope that we shall be well rooted if no rough winds pass over us.” The gnarled roots and twisted branches of an oak tree tell a story about the many storms it has been through. They also indicate how deep the roots have forced their way into the ground. So the Christian is made strong and firmly rooted by all the trials and storms of life.

Don’t shrink from the winds of trial. Seek God in prayer, and take comfort in knowing that He is using the present means of difficulty to bring about a blessed end.

Daily Prayer Focus

Aug. 1 - Pastor’s Families
Aug. 2 - Sunday School Teachers
Aug. 3 - Foster Homes
Aug. 4 - Missions Ministry Team
Aug. 5 - Family Night Programs
Aug. 6 - New School Year
Aug. 7 - Missions to Europe
Aug. 8 - Unity in Churches

Prayer Requests
  • A Sister in Christ - Lora
  • Pearson Martin - Shands J'ville
  • Davis Wallace
  • Bill Jones

By Marian Monk

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Where Do You Run?

When the difficulties and stress of life are overwhelming you, how do you cope?

Sometimes we want to pull the covers over our heads and ignore the problems. Sometimes we turn to our friends, relatives, and other counselors for advice. Sometimes we snap and snarl at the very people who are trying to help us.

Throughout the Psalms, we are given examples and encouragement to seek God’s help first, and to take comfort in his abiding presence. In Psalm 91 we read, “This I declare of the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him.” (Psalm 91:2, NLT)

Take some time this week to read and meditate on all of Psalm 91. Then pray and claim God’s presence as your place of refuge. There’s no better place to run.

Daily Prayer Focus

July 25 - Church Staff
July 26 - Worship Leaders
July 27 - College Students
July 28 - Education Ministry Team
July 29 - Shoebox Ministry
July 30 - Educators
July 31 - Missions to Asia
Aug 1 - Pastor's Families

Prayer Requests
  • A Sister in Christ - Lora

By Marian Monk

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Going Global

God is a global God. One of the most well-known Bible verses is John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son…” With the internet, email, cell phones and faxes, we are more readily connected to people in other countries than ever before.

As Christians, we have the privilege and opportunity to connect with God in praying for people around the world. The apostle Paul wrote, “This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is changing lives everywhere, just as it changed yours.” (Col. 1:16, NLT)

You can be part of the spread of the gospel through prayer. Get a globe or map and pray for nations by name. As you read and watch the news, pray for the events in other countries to be used by God to bring people to him. Choose one or two missionaries and request their news updates and pray specifically for them and their work in other countries.

You may never leave the soil of your native country, but you can become a world-class Christian by going global in your prayers.

Daily Prayer Focus

July 18 - Contemporary Services
July 19 - Unchurched People
July 20 - Vashti Children's Home
July 21 - Women's Christian Groups
July 22 - Summer Youth Programs
July 23 - Public Safety Officers
July 24 - African Missions
July 25 - Church Staffs

Prayer Reqests

Have a Prayer Request? Please add it as a comment to this post, and we'll add it in.

By Marian Monk

Friday, July 10, 2009

What A Difference A Prayer Makes

Does prayer have any real impact on our world? Or is it merely a private conversation with God? Philip Yancey in Our Daily Bread tells the story about a New Jersey couple who learned that a man had been released from prison and moved into their area. They were concerned, so they started praying for him. Then they felt God calling them to pay him a visit, then another. Soon their weekly visits turned into opening their home to a weekly breakfast for ex-offenders like him.

Now, 22 years later, the area’s most despised men have one place to go where they are welcomed and treated respectfully. What began as a concern turned into a ministry that put into practice the words of Jesus who said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)

Who has God placed on your path that you may view as undesirable, disagreeable, even dangerous? Respond to Jesus’ command to pray for them, and then don’t be surprised if he calls you to become part of the answer to that prayer.

Daily Prayer Focus

July 11 Pastors
July 12 Sunday School Teachers
July 13 Persecuted Christians
July 14 United Methodist Men
July 15 Children’s Programs
July 16 Local Government
July 17 Prison Ministry
July 18 Contemporary Service

by Marian Monk

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Why the blog?

At the March 20th rally at Fellowship Baptist in preparation for the upcoming women's event on April 25th, we were challenged by Natalie Dunaway to consider a 21-day "Daniel Fast" beginning April 4th and ending on April 24th. Natalie talked about growing closer in our walk with God through prayer and fasting. Each of us probably has personal reasons we want to pursue God's will through this fast. The corporate purpose of the fast is to ask God to move in a mighty way through the "For God's Glory" Women's Conference on April 25th at the Decatur County Coliseum in Bainbridge.

The purpose of this blog is so that we can encourage each other with how God is working in our lives and give Him praise throughout the fasting process. It can also be used to post comments, praises, and prayer requests about the women's event. After the conference, I hope it will continue as a tool to fuel our personal prayer lives.