Friday, August 13, 2010

Truth in Love
"Your kingdom is built on what is right and fair. Love and truth are in all you do."
(Psalm 89:14, CEV)

The single most difficult pursuit is truth and love. That sentence is grammatically correct. I know every English teacher would like to pluralize it to read: The most difficult pursuits are those of truth and love. But that's not what I mean to say. Love is a difficult pursuit. Truth is a tough one, too. But put them together, pursue truth and love at the same time and hang on baby, you're in for the ride of your life.

Love in truth. Truth in love. Never one at the expense of the other. Never the embrace of love without the torch of truth. Never the heat of truth without the warmth of love...To pursue both is our singular task as Christians.
~ from The Inspirational Study Bible

Can any of us hope to "speak the truth in love" as we are commanded to do? Not on our own. That's the way Jesus lived and spoke. It's why He could rebuke the sin, while drawing the sinner closer to Him. Pray and ask God to give you the Spirit of Christ. Only He can enable you to be filled with the compassion of love and the clarity of truth at the same time.

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