Thursday, December 9, 2010

He is Here!

You may already be familiar with the meaning of the name Immanuel--God with us. The prophecy of a Messiah, one who would save His people, was physically and literally fulfilled upon Jesus' birth in Bethlehem. However, throughout the Old Testament, God told His people that His Spirit was with them. For example, in Hosea 11:9:
"I am God and not a human; I am the Holy One, and I am among you." 

Before you read any further, reflect on those last four words, "I am among you." Do you believe that? Jesus is no longer physically present on earth, but just as God's Spirit was with the Israelites in Hosea's day, the Spirit of Christ is with you right now. He wants you to know He is in the midst of your world. Wherever you are as you read these words, He is present. In your car, in your office, in your classroom, your bedroom, your den. He's near.

God is in the thick of things in your world. He has not taken up residence in a distant galaxy. He has not removed himself from history. He has not chosen to seclude himself on the throne of some cloudlike castle.  He has drawn near. He has involved himself in the carpools, housing projects, funeral parlors, nursing homes, unemployment offices and hospital beds of our day. He is as near to us on Monday as on Sunday. As present at the coffee break as at the communion table.

The question is, What will you do with Him? Will you live as if He is here, or will you choose to keep Him packaged and predictable? Will you leave Jesus in the manger at Christmas, or let Him be the risen Lord of your life?

Take advantage of your position as a follower of Christ and a child of God. Turn every joy and every sorrow into an opportunity to pray to the One who is here.

The birth of Jesus
Worship opportunities

People in financial crises
Healing for recent surgeries

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